Launching macOS applications from the command-line

TL;DR: This article describes in detail how to launch macOS application bundles from the command line

A quick tour on how to run a macOS application bundle in the foreground while also inheriting standard output and standard error. The executive summary is:

$ open -W --stdout $(tty) --stderr $(tty) <path/to/>

An overview of application bundles

The macOS platform enforces a predefined directory layout for graphical applications referred to as the Application Bundle. We will not go into the details of this directory structure in this post, but you can see examples of it by inspecting macOS built-in applications. Here is what the high-level directory structure of the application bundle looks like:

$ tree -L 3 /System/Applications/
└── Contents
    ├── Info.plist
    ├── MacOS
    │   └── Calculator
    ├── PkgInfo
    ├── PlugIns
    │   ├── BasicAndSci.calcview
    │   └── Hexadecimal.calcview
    ├── Resources
    │   ├── AppIcon.icns
    │   ├──
    │   ├── Base.lproj
    │   ├── Calculator.loctable
    │   ├── ConversionCategories.plist
    │   ├── ConversionSheet-BBBAA77A32-C4EBFEA440.loctable
    │   ├── ConversionSheet.loctable
    │   ├── ConversionsFromBase.plist
    │   ├── ConversionsToBase.plist
    │   ├── InfoPlist.loctable
    │   ├── Localizable.loctable
    │   ├── Speakable.plist
    │   ├── UnitNames.loctable
    ├── _CodeSignature
    │   └── CodeResources
    └── version.plist

47 directories, 17 files

With regards to execution, the application’s main executable is always located inside the Contents/MacOS subdirectory. By convention, the executable name matches the bundle name. For example, the executable of is Calculator. However, the application binary is arbitrary as long as it is properly declared on the CFBundleExecutable entry of the Contents/Info.plist file. Plist properties can be easily read using the PlistBuddy(8) built-in tool:

$ /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print CFBundleExecutable" /System/Applications/

Cocoa and the open command

Native macOS applications are typically built using the Cocoa set of frameworks. In comparison to other operating systems, native macOS applications do not steal focus by default. If you attempt to run a Cocoa-based application by invoking its main executable directly on the terminal, the shell will run the app as a child process, capture its standard input, standard output and standard error, but the application will run on the background.

Try this out on the application. You should see application logs in your terminal, but the calculator window will not steal focus:

$ /System/Applications/

While this behaviour might be surprising at first, it allows the operating system to have control of whether an application runs in the foreground or in the background rather than delegating this responsibility to each application. To support this model, macOS provides the built-in open(1) that dates back to NextStep, the pre-cursor of Mac OS X. The open(1) command provides a plethora of options for running application bundles or load documents in application bundles. By default, it runs an application and brings their windows to the foreground, but this behaviour may be omitted using the -g option.

Try this out on the

# Run the application on the foreground
$ open /System/Applications/
# Run the application on the background
$ open -g /System/Applications/

Improving on the defaults

If you paid attention when running the last examples, you noticed two important distinctions of open(1)’s default behaviour compared to directly running the application bundle’s executable:

Process hierarchy

When directly running the application’s executable, ps(1) allows us to confirm that the shell owns the application process. In my setup, the application’s parent process id (PPID) equals the process id (PID) of my shell:

$ ps -f
  UID   PID  PPID   C STIME   TTY           TIME CMD
  501 38133   747   0  8:42PM ttys005    0:00.31 -zsh
  501 38343 38133   0  8:42PM ttys005    0:00.43 /System/Applications/

In comparison, if we run the application using open(1), the application process is owned by the process with an id (PID) of 1: the launchd init process. In other words, open(1) spawns the application process in a detached mode:

$ ps -A -x -f
  UID   PID  PPID   C STIME   TTY           TIME CMD
    0     1     0   0  8:26AM ??         3:09.23 /sbin/launchd
  501 39528     1   0  8:45PM ??         0:00.52 /System/Applications/

As a solution, the open(1) command supports the -W option to wait for the application to quit before exiting:

$ open -W /System/Applications/

Interestingly enough, this does not cause open(1) to run the application as a child process. The application is still ran in detached mode, but open(1) will wait on the application’s process id using a system call such as waitpid(2):

$ ps -A -x -f
  UID   PID  PPID   C STIME   TTY           TIME CMD
    0     1     0   0  8:26AM ??         3:12.89 /sbin/launchd
  501 42889     1   0  8:54PM ??         0:00.42 /System/Applications/
  501 42796   747   0  8:54PM ttys003    0:00.12 -zsh
  501 42888 42796   0  8:54PM ttys003    0:00.04 open -W /System/Applications/

TTYs and Standard I/O

We know that open(1) will never run the application bundle as a child process. This explains why open(1) does not pipe standard I/O to our shell and why we cannot see the applications logs anymore as we could by running the executable directly. However, open(1) supports options called --stdin, --stdout and --stderr to pipe standard input, standard output and standard error to paths provided by the user, respectively.

When a shell starts, its process is associated to a pseudo-teletype (TTY) special character device. For example, my current zsh session is associated with the ttys004 device located in /dev/ttys004. The tty(1) command is a handy utility to print the TTY device associated with the current process’ standard I/O. If you need to get this value programmatically, you can use the ttyname(3) function from the standard C library.

$ ps
  PID TTY           TIME CMD
47136 ttys004    0:00.17 -zsh

$ file /dev/ttys004
/dev/ttys004: character special (16/4)

$ tty

Unsurprisingly, I can print to my current terminal session by piping data to this special character device:

$ echo "Hello" > /dev/ttys004

Leaving standard input aside, which is uncommon for macOS graphical applications to read, we can pipe standard output and error to the caller terminal by pointing --stdout and --stderr to the shell’s TTY. We can pair this with -W to ensure we get clean output:

$ open -W --stdout $(tty) --stderr $(tty) /System/Applications/

What about Chromium?

Interestingly enough, many Chromium-based apps like Google Chrome and Brave always steal focus, even when executing their application bundle binaries directly, and Electron-based apps are no exception. As a consequence, standard open(1) flags like -g to run an application on the background do not work at all with these apps:

# Wrong behaviour! The app still opens in the foreground
$ open -g /Applications/Google\

Why this happens is a topic for a future post!