Running the Intel VTune Profiler on Fedora

TL;DR: This article explains how to install and configure the Intel VTune Profiler on Fedora to use advanced analysis such as the Memory Access tool

The VTune™ Profiler is a well-known commercial performance analysis tool by Intel that targets both Intel and AMD processors on GNU/Linux and Windows. It is popular within the High Performance Computing (HPC) industry and its available for free. You can think about it as an x86-specific complement to Apple Instruments for macOS, which we extensively covered in a previous post.

I recently started to dig into the VTune Profiler for its Memory Access analysis tool to better explore CPU cache issues on a Linux-based benchmark of JSON Toolkit, my high-performance JSON Schema compiler and validator. However, turns out getting the VTune Profiler (and more specifically the Memory Access tool) to work flawlessly on my Fedora system was not a walk in the park. This article aims to document the process in detail for my future-self and others. Note that other GNU/Linux distributions might likely require different installation and configuration procedures. I’m only covering Fedora as my GNU/Linux distribution of choice.

This article is based on Fedora 40 Workstation x86_64, running on a Dell XPS 13”, with Intel VTune Profiler 2024.3.0 (build 628755).

Installing the Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit

While the VTune Profiler is available as a standalone application, it is also included as part of the larger Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit set of developer tools, for which Intel maintains a Fedora repository targeting its DNF package manager. At the time of this writing, you can setup Intel’s DNF repository as follows, though I recommend checking the official installation instructions in case anything changed:

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/oneAPI.repo << EOF
name=Intel® oneAPI repository

Once the repository is configured, you can install the Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit package as follows:

sudo dnf install intel-basekit

Adding VTune Profiler to the GNOME application menu

Intel’s DNF packages will install the VTune Profiler purely within /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune and won’t automatically register a .desktop entry into the standard locations. Intel does provide a desktop entry at /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/bin64/vtune-gui.desktop. However, it does not register well by symlinking it to the $HOME/.local/share/applications standard user entries directory due to its over reliance on relative paths.

Luckily, its trivial to create a .desktop entry of our own and load it into the desktop entry database by running the following commands:

tee "$HOME/.local/share/applications/vtune-gui.desktop" << EOF
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Intel VTune Profiler

update-desktop-database "$HOME/.local/share/applications"

If everything went fine, you should start seeing the Intel VTune Profiler icon showing up on the GNOME application menu:

The Intel VTune Profiler GUI application on the GNOME application menu

Giving access to Performance Counters

By default, most GNU/Linux installations limit the ability of processes to monitor and profile other processes for security reasons. Because profilers like VTune often do need these capabilities, we need to allow unprivileged processes to temporarily obtain control over Linux Performance Counters (perf_events) through the use of the perf_event_open(2) system call.

We can conveniently enable this on the current session (which will be reset after a re-boot) through the /proc filesystem as follows (as root):

echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid

If you are curious, according to the documentation, the value 0 corresponds to the following permissions:

scope includes per-process and system wide performance monitoring but excludes raw tracepoints and ftrace function tracepoints monitoring. CPU and system events happened when executing either in user or in kernel space can be monitored and captured for later analysis. Per-user per-cpu perf_event_mlock_kb locking limit is imposed but ignored for unprivileged processes with CAP_IPC_LOCK capability.

Note you can do without this permission if you are only performing basic profiling on user-land without taking kernel space into account. However, it is a must to access VTune’s more advanced memory related profiling.

Disabling the Non-Maskable Interrupt watchdog

The Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) watchdog is a kernel feature that uses performance monitoring interrupts to detect system hangs by periodically triggering interrupts to ensure the system is responsive. Intel VTune uses performance monitoring interrupts for its analysis, which the NMI watchdog interferes with, and various VTune analysis tools won’t work until the NMI watchdog is disabled.

Same as before, we can conveniently enable this on the current session (which will be reset after a re-boot) through the /proc filesystem as follows (as root):

echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog

Loading VTune’s kernel sampling drivers

Some of the more advanced Intel VTune Profiler analysis tools rely on hardware event-based sampling that requires loading a series of VTune’s kernel modules.

Intel provides pre-built kernel modules for Fedora through its DNF repository. However, these pre-built kernel modules are not signed, and Fedora’s kernel is built with the CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_FORCE option that requires kernel modules to be cryptographically signed by a X.509 ITU-T standard certificate that is trusted by the UEFI Secure Boot installation (for obvious security reasons), making it impossible to load them out of the box. To solve this, we need to sign Intel VTune’s kernel modules with a certificate of our own, and register such self-signed certificate as trusted by Secure Boot.

Creating a self-signed X.509 certificate

To create our own certificate, we first need to write a X.509 configuration file (named x509-configuration.ini) that looks like this, making sure to replace the details in the req_distinguished_name section with your own:

[ req ]
default_bits = 4096
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
string_mask = utf8only
x509_extensions = myexts

[ req_distinguished_name ]
O = Juan Cruz Viotti
CN = Sourcemeta
emailAddress =

[ myexts ]

We can then make use of openssl(1) to create a private and public key as follows:

openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -utf8 -sha256 -days 36500 -batch -outform DER \
  -config path/to/x509-configuration.ini \
  -out my_public_key.der \
  -keyout my_private_key.priv

After running this command, you will have two files you should securely keep around: my_public_key.der and my_private_key.priv.

Adding the public key to Secure Boot

Next, we can instruct our machine to trust the my_public_key.der public key through the use of the mokutil(1) utility for managing UEFI Secure Boot Keys as follows (as root):

mokutil --import path/to/my_public_key.der

The above command will ask for a password that you will need to re-enter on the next book to confirm the trusting of such key. Once you are done, reboot your machine. When booting, you will be presented with a Secure Boot wizard (similar to BIOS) that will walk you through selecting the new public keys to trust and inputting their corresponding passwords.

Signing the kernel modules

Once the public key we created is trusted by Secure Boot, we can proceed to sign the kernel modules. The Linux kernel itself comes with a sign_file utility program that you can access on Fedora at the following location:

/usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file

This program takes as arguments the hash algorithm (in this case we want sha256), the private and public keys we created before, and the file to sign. We will sign all of the required VTune kernel modules as follows:

sudo /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file \
  sha256 path/to/my_private_key.priv path/to/my_public_key.der \
  /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/sepdk/src/sep5-x32_64-$(uname -r)smp.ko

sudo /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file \
  sha256 path/to/my_private_key.priv path/to/my_public_key.der \
  /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/sepdk/src/pax/pax-x32_64-$(uname -r)smp.ko

sudo /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file \
  sha256 path/to/my_private_key.priv path/to/my_public_key.der \
  /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/sepdk/src/vtsspp/vtsspp-x32_64-$(uname -r)smp.ko

sudo /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file \
  sha256 path/to/my_private_key.priv path/to/my_public_key.der \
  /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/sepdk/src/socperf/src/socperf3-x32_64-$(uname -r)smp.ko

sudo /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file \
  sha256 path/to/my_private_key.priv path/to/my_public_key.der \
  /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/sepdk/src/socwatch/drivers/socwatch2_15-x32_64-$(uname -r)smp.ko

Loading the kernel modules

Now we ready to attempt to load the kernel modules, which we can do through a utility shell script shipped with Intel VTune as follows.

sudo /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/sepdk/src/insmod-sep --reload --group $(whoami)

The --group option makes the kernel modules accessible for your user without additional user group configuration. Otherwise, the default is the vtune group and you will need to manually add your user to such group.

Running Intel VTune Profiler

If everything went well, you should be able to run the VTune Profiler, and configure an analysis session with the Memory Access tool without facing any warnings:

Configuring an analysis session with the Memory Access tool

Hitting play and waiting a bit should present you with the memory analysis we were looking for:

Exploring the Memory Access tool results