Graph Theory

Graph theory is the study of mathematical structures used to model relations between objects

Undirected Graphs

An undirected graph is defined as a tuple containing a set of vertices and a set of edges, where the vertices correspond to the graph nodes, and the edges correspond to the connections between them.

For example: ({A,B,C},{{A,B},{A,C}})(\{ A, B, C \}, \{ \{ A, B\}, \{ A, C \} \}) is a graph which three nodes, where A is connected to B and C.

Notice that the edges are declared by unordered sets, therefore we call these kinds of graph undirected.

Undirected graphs don’t have the concept of more than one edge between a set of vertices, therefore the edges must be a set, and not a multi-set.

Given a set of vertices VV, the set of all possible connections is denoted as V2={{x,y}xVyVxy}\frac{V}{2} = \{ \{ x, y \} \mid x \in V \land y \in V \land x \neq y \}. Notce that given edges EE, is must hold that EV2E \subseteq \frac{V}{2}.


The degree of a vertex is the number of edges incident to such vertex. Formally, degree(u)=|{vV{v,u}E}|degree(u) = |\{ v \in V \mid \{ v, u \} \in E \}|. A vertex whose degree is 0 is called an isolated vertex.

Directed Graphs

A directed graph is similar to an undirected graph with the addition of encoding the direction of the edges. A directed graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges containing tuples instead of other sets. For example: (V,E)(V, E) where V={A,B}V = \{ A, B \} and E={(A,B)}E = \{ (A, B) \} denotes a directed graph where A is connected to B, but B is not connected to A, since (B,A)E(B, A) \notin E.

If each edge goes in both directions, then the graph is undirected.


Directed graphs have two types of degrees. The in-degree of a vertex is the number of edges to that vertex. The out-degree of a vertex is the number of edges from that vertex to other vertices.

The degree if a vertex, denoted deg(v)deg(v), is the cardinality of its neighborhood. Notice that given a graph with vertices VV and mm number of edges, then 2m=vVdeg(v)2m = \sum_{v \in V} deg(v).

Incidence (Neighborhoods)

If an edge connects vertices A and B, then we say such vertices are neighbors, or adjacent. We also say that such edge is incident on A and B. Formally, given edges EE and vertices A,BVA, B \in V, the neighborhood of AA is N(A)={xV(A,v)E}N(A) = \{ x \in V \mid (A, v) \in E \}.


An edge from a node to itself is called a self-loop.


A graph is a subset of another graph if its nodes and edges are subsets of the other graph. Given graphs G1=(E1,P1)G_{1} = (E_{1}, P_{1}) and G2=(E2,P2)G_{2} = (E_{2}, P_{2}), G1G_{1} is a subgraph of G2G_{2} if E1E2E_{1} \subseteq E_{2} and P1P2P_{1} \subseteq P_{2}.


A path is a sequence of neighbor edges in a graph that goes from vertices A to B. Given ({A,B,C},{{A,B},{A,C}})(\{ A, B, C \}, \{ \{ A, B\}, \{ A, C \} \}), a valid path from B to C would be {B,A},{A,C}\langle\{ B, A \}, \{ A, C \}\rangle.

A path is simple if the starting and ending vertices are different. A cycle is a path which starts and ends in the same vertex.

A path from A to B with repeated edges is called a walk from A to B. A tour is a walk that starts and ends on the same vertex.

A walk that that uses each edge exactly once is called an Eulerian walk. If such walk starts and ends on the same vertex, then its called an Eulerian tour.



A graph is said to be connected if there is a path between any two distinct vertices. Notice that even a disconnected graph consists of a collection of connected components.

Even Degree

A graph in which all vertices have even degrees.


A graph is planar if it can be drawn without overlapping edges.


A complete graph contains the maximum number of edges possible. For every pair of distinct vertices, there exists an edge between then. We say that a complete graph is strongly connected. In the case of directed graphs, for every pair of vertices uu and vv the graph contains two edges: (u,v)(u, v) and (v,u)(v, u).

KnK_{n} denotes the unique complete graph on nn vertices. The number of edges in KnK_{n} is n×(n1)2n \times \frac{(n - 1)}{2}. The degree of any vertex in KnK_{n} is |V|1|V| - 1.


A graph is a tree if it contains no cycles. A tree is a connected acyclic graph. Its a minimally connected graph, the opposite of a complete graph, and the most effective graph we can use to connect any set of vertices. A tree has |V|1|V| - 1 number of edges. A node with a degree of 1 is called a leave.

Removing any single edge disconnects the graph and adding any single edge creates a cycle.

Rooted Trees

A rooted tree is a tree with a designated root node. The botton-most nodes are called leaves, and the intermediate nodes are called internal nodes.

The depth of a tree is determined by the length of the longest path from the root to a leaf. A tree may contain many levels, which are determined by the length of every subsets of the longest path that determines the depth.


Hypercubes are a case of graphs that can be used to achieve strong connectivity without an exhaustive number of edges. The number of vertices in an hypercube is 2n2^{n}. The number of edges in an n-dimension hypercube is n2n1n2^{n-1}.

A line is a 1-dimension hypercube, a square of a 2-dimension hypercube, and a cube is a 3-dimension hypercube. Notice that in any hypercube, the vertices have nn number of neighbors where nn equals the dimension of the hypercube.

In the case of a 3-dimension hypercube, there are 8 vertices where each has 3 neighbors, so the graph has a total of 12 edges. A complete graph of the same number of vertices would require 28 edges.
